has travelled Asia



Frederik Postelt

Frederik Postelt finished high school at Schwalmgymnasium in June 2005, followed by a twelve month voluntary service (FSJ) in France, where he cared for handicapped children on a pedagogical farm.
Since October 2006 he is studying physics at the University of Hamburg, intermittent by an intern ship at the CTBTO PrepCom and a travel through Asia.
Besides his studies Frederik is working for the ZNF since October 2007. Having focused on physics and peace research he is also engaged in BANg, YPHH, FONAS (executive board member 2010-2012), Global Zero Hamburg and in the UNICEF Hochschulgruppe Hamburg.
He has had the chance to attend the 2008 NPT PrepCom in Geneva, the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen, the 8th NPT RevCon in New York in 2010,   the 7th Biological and Toxical Weapons Convention (BTWC) Review Conference in Geneva, 2011  and the 2012 NPT Preparatory Committee in Vienna  as part of his work as research assistant at the ZNF. Which is mainly organising an university seminar, which includes simulations of UN negotiations (MUN’s – Model United Nations) as well as excursions to the above mentioned conferences.
Furthermore, he participated in the 4th ESARDA academic course on Nuclear Safeguards and Non-Proliferation in Ispra in 2008 (recognised by the European Nuclear Higher Education Network), the ZNF SCooP summer academy in 2009, the 22nd summer symposium of the UCS in Hamburg in 2010, the General Assembly of the EGU in Vienna in 2011 and 2012, the 23rd summer symposium of the UCS in London, 2011 and the  CTBTO courses „Strengthening Verification, Enhancing Security”, „Advanced Course on the CTBT“ and “Intensive Policy Course: Multilateral Verification and Collective Security” in Vienna, 2011-2012.
After completion of his German diploma in physics, he is working as research associate at the ZNF, working on his dissertation. Teaching in two physics labs with the Akademie der Wissenschaften Hamburg and the physics faculty is also part of that work.
He was a member of the ESARDA Training and Knowledge Management Working Group (TKM WG) in 2012 and of the ESARDA Novel Approaches/Novel Technologies Working Group (NA/NT WG) in 2014.
Since 2015, he is a lecturer at the Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH).

Scientific Publications

M. Göttsche, F. Postelt, G. Kirchner: Verifikation nuklearer Abrüstung: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Grenzen der Kernwaffenauthentifizierung, research report of the German Foundation for Peace Research (Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung, DSF), 2019 (pdf, 826 kB, onlineview)

F. Postelt: Neutronen-induzierte prompte Gamma-Signaturen in Plutonium-239 und Plutonium-240, sowie in Uran-235 und Uran-238, Dissertation at the Physics Department of the Hamburg University, 2017 (pdf, 19 MB)

F. Postelt, F. Zeiser, G. Kirchner: Analytical estimate of high energy gamma-ray emissions from neutron
induced reactions in U-235, U-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240, ESARDA bulletin No. 52, pp. 25-34, Juni 2015 (pdf, 10 MB, onlineview)

F. Postelt: The Potential of Radionuclide Ratios for CTBT-Categorisation Concepts,  Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 171, p. 693-697, 2014 (pdf, 360 KB)

Selected conference contributions

F. Postelt, F. Zeiser, M. Göttsche, G. Kirchner: Plutonium characterisation with (n,γ) measurements for dismantlement verification, presentation at the ESARDA NA/NT Workshop in Oxford, 2014

M. Schöppner, F. Postelt, M. Kalinowski, W. Plastino: Simulating the effects of hypothetical nuclear explosions on radioxenon monitoring with atmospheric transport modelling, poster presented at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna 2012

F. Postelt: Categorisation of real and hypothetical detections of radioxenon for CTBT verification, presentation at the DPG Frühjahrstagung in Berlin 2012

M. Göttsche, M. Kalinowski, G. Neuneck, F. Postelt: Attributes Information Barrier: Technical issues arising from a multinational approach and dependence on transparancy, poster presented at the United Kingdom – Norway Initiative (UKNI) workshop in London 2011

F. Postelt: Detectability of nuclear underground explosions, presentation at the 23. International Summer Symposium on Science and World Affairs in London 2011

F. Postelt: The Potential of Radionuclide Ratios for Spectrum Categorisation Algorithms, poster presented at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna 2011 (pdf, 502KB)

F. Postelt: Noble gas spectrum categorisation concept, presentation at the 22. International Summer Symposium on Science and World Affairs in Hamburg 2010

Press review

C. Reuscher: Fachwissen allein überzeugt noch nicht, Hamburger Abendblatt, 19.10.2012 (html)

F. Postelt: Students simulated negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention, NPT News in Review, 05.07.2010 (pdf, 935 KB, html)

J. Seiler: Stunden der Diplomatie, hoch³, 05.07.2010 (pdf, 1193 KB)

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