has travelled Asia


We took off at 5:30 am, he did respectively as I slept on in my bed and felt like being smuggled when we passed the Lithuanian boarder (and the first time zone – funnily by going north ;). In Kaunas the sun awaited me but it had also frozen and people had to scrape  their car windows. I spent a wonderful Sunday with my host and two other Cs.  Giedrius even had enough bicycles for all of us and we did a very nice tour through the city and the nearby forest. We had dinner in a typical Latvian restaurant where we enjoyed among others soup served in a bread and a very tasty bread drink!

Having learned my lesson I left rather early. Till now I had only to wait up to half an hour to get a ride, this day it took me even two hours, again on plain street and it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey here. You cant imagine my joy when a finally a truck stopped.

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